
Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Busy Weekend at Star Hill

This weekend we were going to take it a little easy. The plan was to get the frames for Sweet Amanda's wall painted and sort out some of the stuff we ended up with that is not ours from the wedding.  We also hoped we could get out on the water and enjoy the lake.  We know that other areas are struggling through a drought like we did last summer but for some reason we have had a relatively mild and wet summer.  Everything is green and lush.  The lake is full for the first time in a while right now and we love getting out on the water.

It is easy to forget that we bought Star Hill to relax.

 Sometimes we need to be reminded.  After the wedding weekend we THOUGHT we would just relax.  Ha!

We got to Star Hill Thursday evening and sorted out three boxes of stuff from the wedding into Sweet Amanda's, mine or unknown owner piles.  We were really feeling pretty proud of ourselves when we went to bed.

Friday morning I tried my hand at making grape jelly.  I am going to write about it later this week but here is a sneak peek!

Hubby ran into town for provisions.  He came home with news that this weekend was going to be Christmas in July on the Coldspring square.  About the time Hubby got home my social planner, Tanis called.  The plan was made to go out on the boat.  I rushed up the hill to the Garagemahal and started painting the frames.  They came out really well, and I will be showing the whole process this week. 

Tanis and Larry have a pontoon and we have a ski boat.  Between the two of us we just about have all the lake activities covered.  We are even getting to borrow a jet ski so we will be set.  This morning it was definitely a pontoon day.  They pulled up to the house with Litttle Big Town's "Pontoon" blaring.  Tanis being the great social planner that she is had us loaded with drinks, crackers, cheese, salami,  and fruit for the day.

Captain Larry

 The social planner.
 Heading out to pine island... party in slow motion...motor boatin.
 We love to swim at Pine Island.  It really is a redneck yacht club.  Because it was Friday we had it almost to ourselves but on the weekend we have seen it with 30 + boats parked three deep at the the beach.  Sandy bottom for swimming but it gets to be 30 feet deep right off the island. 

It was so quiet at the island that a bird was hanging out with us.

Larry has just rented a boat slip so there is no more trailering the boat.  We are going to look into that after the Southern Bell's wedding. 

We got back from the lake with two hours to get some rest.  I foolishly rushed up to the Garagemahal and primed the frames that needed it for Sweet Amanda's purple frame wall.  I am going to show you the process this week.  Four shades of purple and lots of character.  Here is a quick peek.

Our social planner decided we needed to drive into Huntsville Friday night.  Wow did I get a great anniversary present!  We found a great all metal patio set that I loved.  It is going to replace the glass topped table I have been known to treat pretty rough.  We ate at one of our favorite spots : The Farmhouse Cafe.

Saturday morning the frame painting commenced in earnest because the social planner went with the guys fishing.  By the time the three came back to Star Hill I had finished painting and had a whole hour to get ready for the trip into Coldspring.  Coldspring is a small timber and tourism based town that has a population of 688 but it is the county seat for San Jacinto county, Texas.  The merchants do a great job of promoting the town with monthly fair on the square days and other events to bring people to the town during the weekend. 

We arrived at mid day and it was HOT but the town was packed.

 Our volunteer fire department was collecting money. They do a great job for the community.
 The town was so cute!  Shops had cookies and candy canes for customers and some were were dressed like elves or Santa.  I love the small town feel.
 Vendors were set up all around the square.  We shopped hard.
 I love Coldspring shops.  There are benches outside some of the shops and almost every time I have been there someone is out sitting on the benches.

 I had to include this.  They had prisoners cleaning up the area at the end of the day.
My favorite shop in Coldspring had this cute sign out front.  Margaret does such a great job.

 Loved the lizard eating the wreath.

We got home hot and tired just in time to clean up for steaks cooked by Hubby.  Yum.

I made peach cobbler and Larry made homemade ice cream.  Life is good at Star Hill.

We went to bed pooped again and got up early to finish the jobs started.  We went in to Livingston for breakfast then back to clean up and pack up.  By the time Hubby finished mowing it was 5:00.  Not exactly  a lazy weekend, but we really had fun.  It was nice to just enjoy the weekend.  Now on to the work week.

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