
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Weekend Projects

It looks like we are going to have a rainy weekend at Star Hill.  I just love working four day weeks during the summer because I get to be a weekend country girl for three days! The wedding is just over a week away so we are going to use our time working on projects for the love birds and the wedding.  Here is my list of things that are getting packed into the truck:
ceramic tile, adhesive, grout- sanded and unsanded varieties, 2 X4 scraps, left over plywood, hardboard, ornate picture molding, chalkboard paint, gold spray paint, antiquing glaze, two part epoxy, angle brackets, vintage plates, broken dishes, foam roller, screws, PVC tubing,and clear poly acrylic.
The tools are already at the Garagemahal along with 1X4 and 1X6 lumber, and more plywood.

I will post pictures when we return to the city because there is no Internet at Star Hill. ( Just another thing I love about that place!)

In addition to the above supplies that will become four separate projects; I am packing tall clear vases, Christmas lights, hurricane glass, crystal candle holders, a vintage globe and microscope along with a stack of treasures that have been collected around the house.  I will let Sweet Amanda choose what stays at Star Hill and what makes it to the wedding and or rehearsal dinner.  The rest will just have to go into my hoard.

We have to be done with all the projects by Saturday night because the Garagemahal needs a good clean up Sunday before we is coming.  If I am brave enough I will post some pictures of the Garagemahal in its current state along with some after the clean up pictures. 

My buddy Tanis has been shopping resale shops, garage sales, antique stores and Goodwills all over Harris County today so I can't wait for her to arrive with her treasures on Friday. 

By this time next week my  oldest, our southern bell, and her fiancee will be in route to Texas.  I miss them so much and am thrilled that we get to spend a little time together next week and that they will be a part of the wedding.  The southern girl is planning her wedding too so hopefully I will get to make some regular visits to the the southeast.  She is so far ahead of where I was at this point in the wedding planning.  Hubby and I decided to get married and got the whole thing planned in four months.  She already has her colors and brides maid dresses picked out, the photographer booked, has the reception site nailed down, the church is reserved for a wedding next June! Oh if only I could be as organized as she is.  She sure did not inherit that trait from either of her parents so she must have developed it in order to survive our chaotic lives.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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