
Monday, August 13, 2012

1970's Mirrors

 A few weeks ago I told you about doing a few pieces to donate for Emma's Hugs, a charity that helps families of children and critically ill adults with parking at the Houston medical center.  I am still looking for a few pieces to remake, if you have something in your garage you just don't know what to do with I want it, but I am almost finished with my first project. 
On a recent resale shopping adventure I found 2 1970's mirrors.  I am not sure what my facination is with early1970's furniture. It was so over the top.  It could be my age...I had a friend who had parents that had the coolest bedroom set.  My own parents bought their furniture in 1958 and still have it today- some awesome Danish midcentury teak furniture that has sat in the same spot my entire life- but when I was 10 or 11, Gayle Odom's parents had the coolest bedroom furniture I had ever seen.  It had curves:
and color. I was jealous.

My beauties were outside a resale shop, and were filthy.  I thought they looked like what the evil stepmother in Snow White would talk to by their shape.  They were dark brown, scratched and in general just nasty.  I cleaned them, used liquid sand, and primed them. 

The looked better already.

Sweet Amanda and one of her buddies, Beth were up at Star Hill the weekend that the loot arrived so I had input from them on the color.  Beth wanted me to add some metallic sparkle.  I started by painted them my new favorite off white color- Behr Cinnamon Cake.  It has just enough brown in it that it is a warm white color.  I finished them Sunday afternoon.
I had to leave for work at this point so the frames sat on the floor of the Garagemahal all week waiting to be finished.  If you read about my craft table you know that all did not go well this weekend but I could bring the frames in to the AIR CONDITIONED house and work on them, so I did. 

I tried making my own glaze this time.  I bought glazing medium at Home Depot and a charcoal color called Amazon Stone.  1 cup of glaze to 1/4 cup paint.  I am much happier with this than commercial glazes that come colored.  They all dried way too fast for a beginner to work with so I had a lot of clean up.  Make sure to have lots of clean rags.  You are going to need them along with foam brushes.

It is really scary to put the glaze on, but remember that you can wash it off if you hate it.

This is the look after a lot of wiping.

The next step was adding the metallic sheen.  I have used Martha Stewart's polished silver before but never on such a big project.  I wanted to practice with this one because this is what the Southern Belle wants the huge mirror I found to be done with for her bedroom.

I loved how the frames turned out.  Hubby needs to make new backs for the frames, I will reassemble the mirrors, then they will be done.  I have decided that in order for you to get the frames and the tax deduction I would like you to make your donation directly to Emma's Hugs then print your donation reciept.  I would like for Emma's Hugs to get at least $50.00 for the pair or $30.00 each.  It will be at least two weeks before we are totally finished with them, but I think they are going to look great. Send me a message if you want one or both of them.

I just couldn't part with both of them. Remember I told you I love 70's: Here is the one I kept on a mirror wall in my guest room.

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