
Friday, August 3, 2012

Junk Furniture Needed


Recently my mom was admitted to a hospital in the medical center.  I thank God that she is doing well and back home full of spit and vinegar once again but her visit reminded our family that parking at the Houston medical center is exepensive.  There is one orgainzation that has really been on my heart lately that I feel led to help.  Emma's Hugs is a nonprofit organization started by a family that we know.  The organization was started as a rememberence of their daughter, Emma who passed away.  Emma's Hugs provides parking funds to families who have loved ones in hospitals in the Houston medical center.  Check out Christy's blog: I am Especially Fond of You

I am looking for some furniture pieces to repurpose/remake/refinish.  I will post them for sale once they are finished and donate all the the money from the sale to Emma's Hugs.  Look in your garages, attics, or even the side of the road for wood pieces you think I could bring back to life.  I have had several people ask me if I would redo a piece for pay and have declined because I do this as a hobby and I really like not having a boss on my projects. 

I am thinking  we can take on about three large pieces and a few smaller ones provided Hubby doesn't kill me for doing this...

Let me know what you think and if you have something lurking at your house that you would be willing to let go of and see repurposed.  I do not want nice furniture... I would feel guilty tearing up something that is in great shape.   I will be on the lookout for some pieces to work on and will let you know what we collect as well as the progress.  My goal is to have the pieces done and for sale by Thanksgiving.

Enjoy your weekend!


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