
Monday, August 6, 2012

My Weekend Finds- Saving the Best for Last

We have been busy at Star Hill lately.  All this activity means that the hoard was getting pretty thin.  Also, we have used up a lot of our left over supplies.  We are even almost out of furniture to repurpse. Because I know I have a problem with buying more than we can do, I limit myself on weekends we go searching  to $50.00. I have been looking for a headboard and foot board to turn into a bench.  I didn't want to spend a lot on this our first attempt in case it goes horribly wrong.  I spotted one on Kingwood Garage Sales that was perfect for the project and was only $25.00.  On the way up to Star Hill we made stop number one.  I love it. 

Saturday morning bright and early we made a list of everything we were out of or needed for our projects then headed toward Huntsville. I am so proud.  I did not ask Hubby to pull into a garage sale one time on the way there.  It was a good thing too because we were really out of a lot of stuff.  Our bill at Home Depot was almost $200.00. Plywood, paint, primer, beadboard, brushes... the list was pretty long.

On the way back, can you believe that Hubby suggested we stop at a few garage sales?  It was a great morning! 

At stop number one I got two fun 1970's mirrors that reminded me of Snow White's "Mirror mirror" and a great corner desk for me to use as a craft corner in the garagemahal.  $10.00 for the mirrors,  $15.00 for the desk.  Weekend budget shot.

 I should have warned you that the corner desk is lime green with blue and purple dots.

Feeling really broke we headed for home.  Hubby spotted another garage sale sign that was made out of a cardboard box.  He said we had to check out this last one on the way home.  We pulled up to a metal building that did not look like a house at all.  A sweet young couple are living in a shop with their little one but they are moving so they were selling everything.  Nothing really caught my eye until I got to the back of the building.  There it was... the find of the weekend. 
It was gold...

marked $10.00

And I loved it.  Hubby reminded me I have enough mirrors.  I looked at him like he was crazy and said only four words.  Put- it- in- the- truck.

Not sure what I am going to do with this beauty.  I am looking for suggestions.

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