
Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Rough Weekend at Star Hill

I waited until today to share with you my weekend. It was important to me that you see what we can do. I promised that I would let you see the good, the bad and the ugly parts when it comes to owning a weekend home.  This weekend definitely went from good to bad then turned  ugly, really ugly.

We left for Star Hill Saturday afternoon.  It is always rough to leave so late but we got to spend some time with Married Son and Sweet Amanda Friday night.  It was great. Our district goes looking for those kids who did not show up for school.  It is a great event.

Our friends, Larry and Tanis have sold their lake house as they prepare to build their forever home in Coldspring.  Lucky them.  We did a lot of "last time" events at their lake house.  Last golf cart ride through the neighborhood (we love to see what everyone is up to), last bonfire by the canal, last trip to the beach.  Their lake house is the reason we decided to buy up in the country 6 years ago. It was very bittersweet.

The bad sounded like this... THUNK.  Hubby was backing his new truck baby up after moving some wood at the friend's lake house.  He found out that the back up camera has a blind spot at the corner of the rear bumper. It never beeped to let him know there was a tree in his blind spot. The damage was not horrible, but I hate to see what it is going to cost. 

The ugly came to us Sunday.  Hubby pulled down an odd flower box at the end of the house.  It has been there since we moved in, but it was starting to sag and we are preparing to replace the posts and railings so it had to go.  SURPRISE!  We found out why it was put at the end of the house and covered the whole area from the top to the bottom at the end of the house that is 6 feet off the ground..  Some low down former home owner covered up the fact that the end of the house has MAJOR slab problems.  The foundation is failing and the fill dirt is washing out.  I am talking remove the whole section of concrete at the end of the house, jackhammer, thousands of dollars major.  I am just sick.

There are no pictures because we both stood there in shock, then loaded up for home.  I don't think we even talked. 

We will get Star Hill fixed, but this was certainly not in the plans. 

There is a Yiddish quote:

Mentsh trakht, Got lakht."

Translation: Man plans, God laughs.

More to come. 

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