
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blogging Milestones

I have been blogging for two months now.  I have reached a few milestones that I set for myself and I wanted to thank you and answer a few questions that may be out there.


Are you retired?
  • No, I have not retired.   I still work full time and so does Hubby.  You are just seeing what we do at Star Hill now.  It is not a new phenomenon. 
How does your husband know how to do everything you need him to do?
  • My husband grew up on a farm.  He learned early to do just about anything. He took wood shop in Troy, Texas and was in FFA. What he did not learn on the farm, he has learned through the school of hard knocks (A.K.A. being married to me!)  He also looks things up on the Internet and subscribes to the Handyman magazine.

Where do you find the stuff you redo?
  • Most of the stuff comes from resale shops and garage sales.  I am not afraid to stop and pick up junk on the side of the road.  I don't know what I am looking for until I see it.

I have tried to post on your blog but I can't.  Why not?
  • You can now!  Because I have a very public job, I did not want just anyone to put things on my blog that I may or may not agree with.  I had it locked down to just a few folks, but now anyone can post.  I will get an email and will read the post then publish it.  Tell me what you think! 

My favorite question:

Are you going to quit work and blog full time? 
  • The most hilarious question I get.  I have started to allow advertising on my blog but as of today I have earned a total of $2.78.  I do this because I wanted to encourage other mid-lifers to get out and do something that you love.  We love our weekend home and making it special for us grew into the craft projects. 

I am learning more and more how to blog effectively.  As of today I have had almost 3000 page views. 

I have been re-pinned on Pinterest!  This gave me joy.

I had someone use what I did to make their own craft project. (It was WAAAY swankier than mine but I was still the inspiration!  Woo Hoo!  Here are pictures of her wreath!  Way to go SB.

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