
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cooking at Star Hill- Top Three Meals I Cook

I do not like to cook on the city. I am always tired after work and it is hard to get excited about messing up my kitchen for two. At Star Hill I usually cook for several, I have (take) the time to cook real meals. I do have some stand-by meals that I like to cook when in the country.  I like them because they are crowd pleasers.  What can I say?  I like for people to like my food.  I do health food all week at home so the calories come out to play on the weekends. When it comes to cooking I do not have an original idea.  I use cookbooks and watch other people cook ( in real life and on t.v.).

Here are my top three things to cook
  • Christmas Morning Breakfast-  We named this because... it was something that I whipped up during the night while watching Santa assemble presents back in the day.  I could have it in the fridge and ready to go for the morning chaos.  Of course the recipe came out of crescent roll add in a magazine years ago. It is out there on the web with a million names.
  • Fajitas with Green Rice and Pinto Beans- This is my throw-down, have ready for a crowd meal.  Lots can be made in advance and Hubby has to participate.
  • Woody's Hamburgers with baked beans, chips and Fruit Cobbler- Apple, Peach, Blueberry or Married Son's favorite; Blackberry.  I do love a good cobbler.  Did you notice that beside the cobbler in this meal, there is not much I have to do?
This week I am going to write out the Christmas Morning Breakfast: ( I have friends who hate recipe blogs.  They are going to be mad enough that I am writing one ... I hope they don't unfriend me for writing  three over the next three weeks.)

  • 1 can crescent rolls
  • 8 to 10 eggs
  • 1/4 cup or less milk
  • 1/4 cup of picante sauce ( hot as you like it)
  • Cheddar Cheese- about a cup of grated cheese
  • 1 roll of sausage like Jimmy Dean's
Brown the sausage crumbled. In a 9X13 sprayed with Pam pan press out the crescent rolls until the cover the bottom of the pan and go up the sides a little.  Sprinkle the browned sausage on top of the crescent rolls.  Scramble the eggs with a little milk.  Once they are scrambled, pour them over the top of the sausage.  Sprinkle the picante sauce over the top of the eggs evenly.  Sprinkle the cheese over the top of everything.  Use it all.  You can cover the whole thing at this point and stick it in the fridge overnight, or cook it right away.  If you leave it in the fridge over night, take it out first thing in the morning and set it on the counter for a few minutes to warm.  I broke a dish once going straight to the hot oven,
This needs to cook slow so the eggs set up.  I usually start it at about 325for about 25 minutes then move it to 300 and cover with foil until everything is set up and solid.  Cut into squares and leave fore guests to serve themselves,  This is Yummo- and EASY.

It works so well at Star Hill because I can have it ready to go when we have guests along with cut up fruit, muffins from a mix, and juice and I am done.  No slaving over breakfast.

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