
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cutting Down Trees at Star Hill

My Hubby loves a chainsaw.  I mean he is all smiles when he gets out the big ugly chainsaw and cranks it up.  The problem with his love of chainsawing is that I am TERRIFIED of it.  I have good reasons for my fear.  A neighbor borrowed the saw years ago.  I saw him cut his leg to the bone then had the joy of driving him to the emergency room.  My Star Hill neighbor also had a nice hole punched into their garage thanks to Hubby and his sawing.  Last year we had the worst drought on record in our area.  Trees died in droves around us. We lost two water oaks that I loved, we also lost 4 huge pines on the ridge behind the house and Garagemahal.

 Hubby has been "hankerin" to take them down.  I told him that the only way he could take down the trees was for me to be gone, another man to be there and he had to have our health and homeowners insurance papers in the front seat of the truck.  I did not want to be called until he was in recovery or the adjuster had left.  Thankfully he paid someone to take out the trees this past weekend.  Yeah!  Hubby took pictures for you to enjoy.  I did not see any of this.
 The biggest dead tree.  Note the house in the picture below.  It could have done some major damage.

 The rest of the trees were behind the Garagemahal.

 Here is a close up of one of the dead trees.

All that is left is a bunch of stumps. 

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