
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cilantro Rice

A staple at Star Hill is "green" rice. I love, love, love cilantro. I am growing some this fall if all goes well.  If I could find cilantro perfume I would probably wear it.

When my social planner, Tanis, first made this dish for me a few years ago I was hooked. The dish is simple, tasty and stretches to meet the size of the group.
At Star Hill it can be just Hubby and me or a group of 12. We love having company so the more the merrier. Having dishes that can grow with the crowd are perfect. 
For a big group:
Two cups jasmine rice
1/2 a chopped onion
Two tablespoons olive oil
Four cups chicken broth ( one box or two cans)
1/4 cup or more chopped cilantro
One small can chopped green chiles
One tablespoon or to taste knorr caldo de tomate
Sauté the dry rice and onions in oil until rice is sort of translucent.
Add everything else to the pan and bring the rice back to a boil then turn down to a simmer.
Cover and let cook until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. I usually add a about a quarter cup water too just to make sure there is enough liquid to let the rice soften.
When done sprinkle more cilantro on top.

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