
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Making Owls

My daughter "tagged" this nice lady from a bird sanctuary as me on her Facebook page last year.  I am not the bird lady at the sanctuary... but I do love birds.

I love wild birds.  I feed them at the lake house.  I have three bird feeders and four hummingbird feeders. I have bird books to identify the birds around our property.  Because of my obsession, I wanted to incorperate birds into my guest room.
I saw these  great owls on a post from All Things Thrifty.  Thanks to Brooke for telling us where she found them, because I loved the vintage quality they have. 
I headed for Kohls as soon as possible to snag them.  I was thrilled to find that they were 50% off.  I also had a 20% off coupon, and, best of all... a friend gave me her $10.00 Kohls cash that was about to expire.  Score!  The two owls cost me less than $5.00.  Once I got them home I knew that I wanted them on the night stand.  The other night stand needed some owls too. 

I found these owls on Pinterest. Efemera's awsome directions can be found by clicking the link to her blog.
Efimera Ink

The directions were super easy to follow.  Make a template.
Trace the template onto the fabric you choose.
 I created a small, medium and large pattern.  I placed the patterns on fabric I purchased at Hancocks.  I bought four 1/4 yard sections of fabric. That was not big enough for the largest template.  I had to use felt from the wreath on the big one.
Once the sections were cut out it was a simple matter of hand stitching them together. Remember put the good side of the fabric together... I had to redo one.  Stitch one side then match up the other side.  Super easy.  No sewing machine required.

Here are my owls with only the white part of the eye sewn on. My son said they looked like they had been moon blinked at this stage. ( Guardians of Gahoole.)

Here they are with the gray part of the eyes attached.

I  did get the button eyes on Tuesday night. They really "look" better now!

I am feeling too lazy to update my armoire cabinet blog... so here are the pictures with the candles in them.
 I love the gray and white on the black cabinet.  The light gray wall is perfect for this.  It is very soothing.

I do love a finished project.

I will be completing another bird art project this week to finish off the room.  Almost there.  Yeah!


  1. How fabulous of Efimera and you to share these fabulous owls....
    Great for fall!

    Love em!

    hugs ~ Crystelle
