
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Southern Girl's Style

I wanted you all to see what great decorating style the Southern Belle has. I am not allowed to show everything because some rooms are still under decorative construction.

Here is the outside of her home:

This great tree grows in her front yard.  No idea what type conifer it is. 

The Living Room
Simple Elegance.

Her amazing table.  A friend built this table.  It is so pretty.  The chairs are from Craig's List.  They are mid century modern and came already upholstered.  The white cabinet holds her grandmother's china and crystal.
 Her bedroom furniture is recently painted.  It really adds light to the room.
 West Elm headboard.  I wish I had taken a better picture.  She is still thinking about how to dress the wall.
This is her first curbside rescue.  She drug this home when she was in junior high.  I am glad it still has a home with her.
My art made the cut in the bedroom.  I am proud that she would display it.

This really is how clean her counters are all the time.  She could teach me a thing or two.
A recently rescued curbside find.  She did good here.
Her whole home has a navy similar theme.  Her guest bath is pretty.

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