
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Farkle With Friends

About once a month I have the opportunity to get together with a great bunch of ladies to eat, laugh, eat some more, oh... we do play a dice game too. We tell our husbands that the reason we get together is to play Farkle but honestly it is a chance to get together, laugh act silly and enjoy being together. This month the big game was at Marcie's beautifully redone home. Her husband is quite the handy man. He has renovated every room in the home over the past few years. Her kitchen is great and functions so well for large groups.
This time the meal was sort of a potluck menu that centered around the social planner's taco soup.


My social planner made the soup, but her big sister had to stir the pot.  Big Sister has us all thinking pink right now.  We are in her corner.

No chance of going hungry at Farkle.

During our "very serious" game time our mathematician, Sharon, keeps up with our points until someone reaches 25,000 points. 
The rules are very complicated but we are in good hands with Sharon keeping the score.

The winner gets to keep these amazing fuzzy dice until the next time we meet.  They must be hanging from your rear view mirror.

We had a rare roll during the game.


Marcie made cute napkin rings for us.

She is so creative.

Martha won the Farkle gift- she rolled Farkle the most times.

Guess who won and is sporting a fancy set of fuzzy dice this month in her car? 

I am so glad that I have group of ladies who are fun, funny and accepting of me and my crazy schedule.

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