
Thursday, December 20, 2012

I have moved to a New Blog Site

You can now find all of my old blogs and new material at
Come visit to see what I have been up to lately.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Giant Silver Mirror

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you may remember that I found a huge vintage gold mirror at a garage sale for $10.00. I was amazed that we found this in August and it has been sitting in the Garagemahal since then.  I really didn't have a home for the beauty but I knew it was too nice to leave behind.  The Southern Belle said she wanted the mirror and I was thrilled. She wants to replace the less than amazing mirror in her bedroom. Her furniture is solid wood, nice furniture her Me Mei bought for her bedroom 23 years ago. She painted the maple, much loved, furniture white recently. (We really are related!) The mirror to the set is nothing spectacular and really small.
All the metal in her home is silver including her dresser pulls, so the gold would not work.

The mirror became silver.

Two coats of Rustoleum shiny silver spray paint and a tube of Rub n Buff later, it looks amazing. I  really like the way the mirror turned out. The Rub n Buff on the outer edges really adds depth to the frame.   It is going to look great in her chocolate brown, tan, and white bedroom.  The big mirror will add some contrast to the rustic fabric of the headboard.

I think it may have to wait until it gets driven out in June because her SUV may not hold it, but we will see.  Hubby measured the mirror and it is 58 1/2 inches by 39 1/2 inches.

We will make sure to take pictures when it is hung in The Southern Belle's home.
 How it looked when we brought it to the Garagemahal.
The mirror came a long way.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

This year the Carolina kids are coming to Texas for Christmas.  That definitely puts me in a Christmas spirit.
I have been house bound and slow moving with an eye infection but I have managed to get the inside mostly decorated. This year I decided that I would use turquoise, teal, aqua colors and silver.  The colors make the house seem more calm.  I really need that right now.
Even though the kids are coming for Christmas, we are not spending the holiday at home, so I wanted everything I got out to be easy to put away.
I made a lot of the decorations this fall which was fun. I reused ginger jar vases from the lovebirds' wedding,  I used pages from a garage sale find- an old torn up hymnal for several items.

It was my goal to reuse as much as possible from around the house. Tarnished silver candlesticks from the yellow and grey bedroom, burlap from the wedding, bulletin board from the garage, chalkboards will be used in The Charlotte Wedding.

The Den
 The tree from upstairs.
 I am 5'9".  Here is the tree with me taking the picture looking up at it from a standing position.

Every year since 1983 my husband has purchased a Precious Moments ornament for me.  He even found a 1982 our first Christmas together ornament so that I have one from every year we have been married.  I love getting them out and putting them on the tree.
 I bought $20.00 worth of silver and teal ornaments this year.  I have spread them through all the rooms.
 The mantle is mostly completed.  The S is cardboard, with sheets of music glued on with watered down glue.  The canvas is a salvaged bulletin board wrapped with fabric. 
The ginger jar vase is covered with dictionary pages adhered with watered down glue.

 Not through with the mantle because I want to add garland to the letters.  When I attached them to the twine the first time I got them backwards.

Each letter is stenciled on a page from the hymnal that has a joyful song.

The Farmhouse Table
 I already had everything on the table except the clear glass plates.  They were $1.00 each at Target.

 I have collected crystal globes for years.  They are so pretty on the rustic table.
I found these chargers in my buffet.  I don't even remember having them, but they were perfect.

The Dining Room

 I loved using the chalkboards that will be used at the June wedding.

 I repurposed this wreath.  It used to have mauve poinsettias.  Remember mauve?
I even added a wreath to the mudroom bench.  I found this one at a resale shop for at dollar then ripped all the ugly off.  The silver ribbon looks great on it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Coldspring Square Christmas Lighting

This year we attended our fourth Coldspring Christmas lighting.  Every year all the town merchants decorate their shops and have a ceremony where they turn on all the lights at once.  It is a fun way for the town to come together to start the Christmas season.  During the day, before the lighting there are vendors set up on the square.

Small Texas towns are very different from the rest of the world.  On the courthouse there is a life-sized nativity scene.  On the city water tower there is a huge cross.  This small town really does remember why we have Christmas.

At 6:00 p.m. the town gathered.  There was caroling, and a country singer who was in visiting his parents from Nashville sang.  I wish I could remember his name... he was good.  Anyway, after the singing the lights in all the local businesses are all turned on at one time.  The picturesque  little square looks great all lit up.

 The singer

The theme for Christmas this year is cowboys and candy canes.  I love it.  Next week is the Christmas parade. The parade is at night too.  Two years ago one of the floats had a real fire in the fireplace on the moving float.  It was a good thing the volunteer fire department was in the parade.  They were needed.