
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Coldspring Square Christmas Lighting

This year we attended our fourth Coldspring Christmas lighting.  Every year all the town merchants decorate their shops and have a ceremony where they turn on all the lights at once.  It is a fun way for the town to come together to start the Christmas season.  During the day, before the lighting there are vendors set up on the square.

Small Texas towns are very different from the rest of the world.  On the courthouse there is a life-sized nativity scene.  On the city water tower there is a huge cross.  This small town really does remember why we have Christmas.

At 6:00 p.m. the town gathered.  There was caroling, and a country singer who was in visiting his parents from Nashville sang.  I wish I could remember his name... he was good.  Anyway, after the singing the lights in all the local businesses are all turned on at one time.  The picturesque  little square looks great all lit up.

 The singer

The theme for Christmas this year is cowboys and candy canes.  I love it.  Next week is the Christmas parade. The parade is at night too.  Two years ago one of the floats had a real fire in the fireplace on the moving float.  It was a good thing the volunteer fire department was in the parade.  They were needed.

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