I am so sad that this weekend is the last for me to have a four day week at work. Next week my hours changes back to five days a week. Don't get me wrong,I love my job. I have the most rewarding job that anyone could imagine working with a group of amazingly ambitious students who are going to change the world in the near future. I just really love having the opportunity to be out in the country for three whole days each week. During the school year we leave for Star Hill about 5:00 on Friday which means we really only have Saturday and Sunday on the hill. At Star Hill I wear clothes that have paint on them and flip flops...sometimes even into the grocery store. I only get out the flat iron when we are going out to eat. At Star Hill I have the time to cook healthy meals, compost the vegetable scraps, feed birds, grow herbs and
read magazines.

I rock in the rocking chairs on the porch in the evenings. Most of all, I spend quality time with my husband who puts up with me and my eccentric ways.

This weekend we plan on starting an ambitious project: Turning a dresser into a mudroom bench for our entry way at the house.
I also plan on picking muscadine grapes for jelly
attending church at the sweet little church we go to
and finally... an art project with my social planner, Tanis.
I have also been inspired by a great kid to start taking more artistic photos so I plan on getting up at daylight Friday morning to go exploring.
We may even search out a few garage sales this weekend.
Another great weekend at Star Hill.
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