The Garagemahal is another story. When Hubby first started talking about building a garage I did not ask as many questions as I should have. When the concrete was actually poured and the walls went up I realized the garage was going to be as big as our lake house! It was plumbed for a bathroom and have a kitchen area. Basically the garage is a second house up the hill with a large hole in the front. It was named immediatly by me.
According to the historic marker outside the courthouse Coldspring was once named Coonskin. Wow am I glad someone took care of that name long ago.
One thing I have noticed up in the country is that some names of places are just funny. Near our house is a bridge that crosses Critter Creek.
I can just imagine to state sign makers shaking their heads when they made that sign.
A community near Coldspring is named Punkin. Yep, P-u-n-k-i-n.
The state sign makers just couldn'g go with that one. Their community sign clearly has Pumpkin written on it.

I counted on the area map the other day and there are 14 roads, streets, circles, and trails named Lakview on our side of the lake alone. Some roads up in the country may have two or three names, depending on who you are talking to and how long they have lived in the area. Our street name is apparently wrong on GPS. We always get calls from our friends who are following their GPS to our house. It seems that name confusion is pretty common in our neck of the woods. When people tell you where they live they often give you directions like turn right when you see the yellow house... Because of the name confusion the county does not rely on street names, everything from the mail carriers to the volunteer fire department to 911 rely on a three digit number that has to be posted outside of the home. We have our number out on the fence so that emergency responders can find us. Now if GPS could find us too. The joy of living in the country.
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