Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Craft Corner is Done!

Well, after last weekend I was not sure that I would be able to post this, but the craft corner is officially complete. (Craft Corner Nightmare)  Hubby painted the corner desk this weekend and I got everything moved in.  This is how she looked Saturday morning:

I especially loved that you could see where some kid hand scratched in who they loved in the top of the piece!  It made me smile.

Hubby sanded the piece until it felt like glass then the painting began.  He turned it upside down to paint the legs and sides so any drips would be where you could not see them.  Smart man.

It looked better already.

Sanding between the coats and a second coat made the piece look really finished.

I have had these knobs for years.  I bought them on clearance at Target, just waiting for the right piece.  They look like they belong.

I love my little corner.

I made the chalkboard to go above the table from a left over cabinet door.  Sweet Amanda and Baby Boy were at Star Hill  over the weekend.  I asked Sweet Amanda to write something on the board.  She made me laugh with what she wrote.

I am ready to go!

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